Good People, Good Pups: Gisele Barreto Fetterman on Her Amazing Rescue, Levi

The Second Lady of Pennsylvania shares her dog's heartwarming story

By Rae Paoletta

Gisele Barreto Fetterman and her pup, Levi. (Image Credit: Gisele Barreto Fetterman/Natalie Ullman)

In the chaos of the coronavirus pandemic, Pennsylvania’s Second Lady Gisele Barreto Fetterman was able to find something purely good — true friendship in her new rescue dog, Levi.

We caught up with the activist, philanthropist, and 412 Food Rescue co-founder to learn more about life with Pennsylvania’s Second Pup.

Good Dog: So I want to know Levi's whole story. When did you decide to get him?

Gisele Barreto Fetterman: When my previous dog passed away, I really didn't take it well. I went through a period where I was like, "I don't want to go through this again, I don't think I’m ready for it.” And then in the beginning of quarantine the dog conversation came up and I was avoiding it because I'm a crazy dog lady and our life is pretty hectic — I didn’t know if we were ready to commit. 

Then I mentioned to a friend, "You know, I think we're ready. I think it's time." So I started going on all the websites looking for fosters. And then that same day, my friend got a call from the foster group she was working with. She was like, "We just rescued this dog out of West Virginia, he's a chained up dog, he's so scared." And I was like, "That's the one."

He spent three days at the vet because he had everything — Lyme disease and worms and so much more.

He had spent his whole life on a chain, so when we brought him home was just 30 lbs. They weren't sure he was going to make it through the winter because he was so, so underfed. He was also beaten, so he was missing a lot of hair patches. 

Good Dog: But you knew instantly he was the one for you? 

GBF: Oh yeah. We got him through a group that did specifically fosters. But when he arrived I was like, "No, we're not fostering him. This is our dog." He’s just amazing.

Image credit: Gisele Barreto Fetterman

Good Dog: What was Levi like once you brought him home? 

GBF: For the first four weeks he had nightmares every night and would cry in his sleep. In the beginning it was almost like he didn't know how to lay down. I can't even explain it — he was so tense all the time. He would sit or stand really tense and when he fell asleep he’d just flop over.

I was up with him all night, every night like he was a new baby, just shushing and comforting him. After a few weeks the nightmares stopped and he got better.

Good Dog: What’s Levi like now? How’s he enjoying family life?

GBF: Everyone calls him my “velcro dog.” I mean, we're literally connected at the hip. It's a crazy, crazy love.

He loves rides in the pickup truck. When he sees the truck, he runs right in. He’s still learning toys, though. They’re a whole new world.

Toys were a big change for Levi. He had no idea what these things were or why we were squeaking them at them, because he’d never had a toy. Now he has a box full of toys.

It’s amazing how much he’s grown. At first, I was googling “how do I teach a dog to play?” Now, he always has a toy with him. Even when he poops, he has a toy with him.

Image credit: Gisele Barreto Fetterman

Good Dog: What’s his favorite toy or game?

GBF: It’s the first toy he got, which is a cherry. It’s broken like three times, and I try to buy a new one, but he won’t take it. So I’ve stitched this cherry toy three times now. He doesn’t want other cherry toys — he just wants this one. It’s his absolute favorite.

Levi loves playing now. The kids like to play tug o’war and monkey in the middle with him. He’s very good at playing.

Good Dog: I know this is basically an impossible question, but what’s your favorite thing about Levi?

GBF: So you know that meme that’s like, “how it started vs. how it’s going”? I did one with “how it started” and it’s a picture of my husband John and I dating, and then “how it’s going” with Levi and me. I just love everything about him.

He’s so curious, he's so sweet. But I think my number one favorite thing about him is just how much love he has to give to our family. He was never taught that love, but he just has it.

When I go to take the trash out and come back, he acts like he hasn't seen me in a year. It’s the sweetest thing ever.

Image credit: Gisele Barreto Fetterman

Good Dog: It sounds like Levi has totally chosen you as his person.

GBF: It’s funny, one of the first times I left him for any period of time, he was with the kids. He went to my son's room and he kept trying to steal his phone. And I think he's a genius, so I think he wanted my son to FaceTime me on it. I think that's what it was, because he was fine when I got home, but he was in a panic. So now they FaceTime me all the time with the dog

I have all these screenshots of his face looking into the phone. It’s amazing — he’ll just sit there and watch me talk to him through the phone.

Good Dog: That’s too funny. So I think the question on everyone’s mind is, being that Levi is a Pennsylvania pup, which does he prefer: Sheetz or Wawa?

GBF: Well he is my dog, so he’s a diplomat. He likes both, or really, wherever I bring him treats from.

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Rae Paoletta is a staff writer at Good Dog. She is a science journalist and editor who has worked at Gizmodo, Inverse, NBC News and National Geographic. She's the proud mom of a pup named Queso.

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