Border Collie puppies for sale

Near O'Fallon, MO

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Black and white Border Collie standing nicely in a field
Black and white Border Collie going over an agility jump during a competition

About the Border Collie

Border Collies were bred to perform precision herding of flocks of sheep, a task requiring the ability to think fast, obey directions from afar, predict a sheep’s next move, and to do so all day long. To do this they need to be smart, biddable, active, tireless, and surprisingly independent. They love to learn and perform all sorts of difficult tasks, and need challenges every day to be fulfilled. This is not a breed that will be happy just lounging around. Note, however, that show-bred lines tend to be more mellow than working-bred lines. Learn more

Very High Energy

Energy level

Low Maintenance


Highly Trainable
