Dalmatian puppies for sale

Near San Dimas, CA

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An adult Dalmatian stands stoically on a rock
Dalmatian puppy scampers through the grass
An puppy dalmatian stands in a field by a dandelion

About the Dalmatian

For starters, it’s spelled DalmatiAn—not DalmatiOn! Because they’re thought to be from Dalmatia. The Dalmatian (Dal for short) was one of the first status symbol dogs, bred to make a statement trotting alongside carriages. But they also performed a vital function: guarding the horses from marauding strays. They still love to run, and still make a stylish statement wherever they go. The Dal tends to be more of a jack of all trades rather than a specialist, and most are just happy to be an all-around member of the family, equally content to snooze on the couch or play in the yard—but always up for a run! Learn more

High Energy

Energy level

Minimal Maintenance


Average Trainability
