German Shepherd puppies for sale

Near Cuyahoga Falls, OH

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German Shepherd laying in the grass
German Shepherd lays in front of a tree
German Shepherd stands wet by a lake with an orange ball in its mouth.

About the German Shepherd

Any roster of heroic and famous dogs is dominated by German Shepherds. From early iconic movie stars Strongheart and Rin Tin Tin, to Buddy the first Seeing Eye dog, on to the thousands of GSDs deployed to fight in every American military action of the 20th century, German Shepherds have inspired, improved, and saved countless lives. As much as they’ve made an impact in so many public ways, their greatest contribution is no doubt is their role as a family protector and loyal companion to countless people. It’s no wonder they’ve been among America's most popular breeds for decades. Learn more

Moderate Energy

Energy level

Very Low Maintenance


Highly Trainable
