Poodle puppies for sale

Near Pullman, WA

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Christine B. of Perfection Poodles

Located in Pullman, WA

Raises Poodles

No litters planned

View Christine's profile
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Black Poodle majestically running through a field
5 black Poodles sit in a row on a red blanket
A Poodle gets pets from its owner while another poodle is walking toward them in the background.

About the Poodle

Poodles are attractive, affectionate, smart, bubbly, and trainable. But don't think of them as just frou-frou dogs; they're also sporting water retrievers that make great partners in the field. Even better, there are several sizes of poodles. The American Kennel Club (AKC) Recognizes Standard, Miniature, and Toy sizes, but some people add a fourth size, called Moyen, between the Mini and Standard. Learn more

Moderate Energy

Energy level

High Maintenance


Highly Trainable
