Almost Heaven Shih Tzu

Newborn & upcoming litters

Newborn Shih Tzus from Bentley and Dolly

Born Oct. 2024. Ready Dec. 13, 2024

Newborn Shih Tzus from Bentley and Dolly

Born Oct. 2024

Ready Dec. 13, 2024

Getting a puppy from Jana

Jana has been certified by Good Dog's screening team for responsible and trusted breeding practices. When you're ready to reach out, feel free to ask any questions about the breed, their program, or specific puppies. You'll also have the chance to share a bit about yourself and what you're looking for in a new companion. Together, you'll choose the puppy that's right for you, stay in touch with regular updates, and plan how to bring your new puppy home.


Puppy prices range from $2,000 - $3,000 and include a non-refundable deposit of $300.

“The pricing includes first round of shots wormed and Vet checked, one year genetic health guarantee. All of my puppies are AKC PET, unless we discuss different. ”

Contract and health guarantee

Jana may provide a written contract or health guarantee when you purchase a puppy. This helps protect both you and your breeder, ensuring that you both have a clear understanding of the terms of your puppy purchase. If Jana offers a contract or guarantee, the details will be personalized by them. If you have any questions or want to know more, don’t hesitate to reach out to Jana directly.

Always communicate and pay on Good Dog.Learn more

More about Jana

  • Why Jana started breeding

    I have been breeding for 22 years.

  • Jana is a Preferred Good Dog Breeder

    Preferred Breeders are recognized for their quick replies and exceptional buyer support.

  • Jana has been a member of Good Dog for almost 3 years

    Jana was screened for responsible practices and has been a member since 2022.

  • Jana’s links
