Near Cypress, TX
Redame Briards
964 miles away from Cypress, TX
Health, temperament, conformation, and drive to work are qualities I strive to retain in this wonderful breed.
Puppies ready Oct. 15
du Coeur Rose Briards
1249 miles away from Cypress, TX
We strive to breed dogs that are true to AKC standard keeping structure and temperament as our top priority.
Puppies ready June 10
Briards De Bejaune
1264 miles away from Cypress, TX
We focus on intentional breeding so that we can produce quality puppies that are excellent representations of the standard.
Puppies ready May 18
Phire N’ice
168 miles away from Cypress, TX
We breed high-quality Briards. We love what we do and are committed to producing well-bred, healthy puppies for loving homes.
No litters planned
285 miles away from Cypress, TX
We love this breed and do everything we can to help it thrive. We give each of our dogs and puppies the best care that we can.
No litters planned
Aladax Briards
285 miles away from Cypress, TX
Our high-quality puppies are the result of extensive research and thorough care for our outstanding dogs and puppies.
No litters planned
Celebra Briards
672 miles away from Cypress, TX
We focus on intentional breeding so that we can produce quality puppies that are excellent representations of the standard.
No litters planned
Sendero Briards
743 miles away from Cypress, TX
I am not a prolific breeder. As breeders, we are very selective in our breeding decisions.
No litters planned
Leatha Mcclure's Briards
772 miles away from Cypress, TX
We love this breed and do everything we can to help it thrive. We give each of our dogs and puppies the best care that we can.
No litters planned
Bri'Annahs Briards
990 miles away from Cypress, TX
Our goal is to ensure every dog from our program is set up to live a happy and healthy life and is prepared for its future role.
No litters planned
Briards de l'Hermitage
1008 miles away from Cypress, TX
We raise our dogs with love in our home. We have high expectations for our pups and strive to put each one into a loving family.
No litters planned
Briards Le Chien Poilu
1013 miles away from Cypress, TX
I work hard to produce healthy, well-rounded Briard puppies that will make others as happy as our dogs have made us!
No litters planned
Tambrie Briards
1015 miles away from Cypress, TX
We breed to both help ensure the future of the Briard and to improve upon our dogs' fantastic traits with each generation.
No litters planned
Honey Bee Hill
1033 miles away from Cypress, TX
Briards and Pointers, from responsibly bred and health, tested parents, that can do what they were bred for.
No litters planned
Deja Vu Briards
1129 miles away from Cypress, TX
I have owned and produced more than 300 Deja Vu Briards champions since 1982. We work very hard at these accomplishments.
No litters planned
Wejoma's Briards
1131 miles away from Cypress, TX
Our dogs excel in the ring and as beloved companions. We are very proud of their accomplishments and those of their puppies.
No litters planned
Hashtag Chihuahuas
1293 miles away from Cypress, TX
Our dogs excel in the ring and as beloved companions. We are very proud of their accomplishments and those of their puppies.
No litters planned
Niki's Briards
1293 miles away from Cypress, TX
Every puppy we raise is adored as part of our family from birth. Our puppies will complete your home, your family, and your heart!
No litters planned
Dragonz Lair
1319 miles away from Cypress, TX
We breed and show our dogs out of a love for and dedication to the protection and betterment of the breed.
No litters planned
Victoria's Briards
1338 miles away from Cypress, TX
I focus on intentional breeding so that I can produce quality puppies that are excellent representations of the standard.
No litters planned
1396 miles away from Cypress, TX
We value responsible breeding practices and want to do our part to ensure the Briard will continue to thrive.
No litters planned
Mon Amie Briards and Havanese
1443 miles away from Cypress, TX
All of our dogs are home-raised and loved. Our dogs' health and happiness are top priority and we take great pride in our program.
No litters planned
1547 miles away from Cypress, TX
It is our goal to help ensure the future of the Briard through responsibly breeding our exceptional dogs.
No litters planned
Chez Nous
1596 miles away from Cypress, TX
We raise our puppies with total care and attention so they can become well-socialized and loving additions to their forever homes.
No litters planned
What defines the Briard is their loyal, affectionate, and incredibly loving demeanor. This faithful and fearless breed makes an excellent companion and guardian.
Moderate energy
Energy level
High maintenance coat care
Coat care
Low shedding
The typical price for Briard puppies for sale in Cypress, TX will vary based on the breeder and individual puppy. On average, Briard puppies from a breeder in Cypress, TX may be around $2,500.
The expected weight range for male Briard puppies in Cypress, TX is 60 to 90 pounds. The expected weight range for female Briard puppies in Cypress, TX is 50 to 75 pounds. Because size and weight may vary based on individual dogs, your dog may be outside of that range.
Briard puppies in Cypress, TX are a low shedding breed. Some low shedding breeds may shed more or less depending on the time of the year, while other low shedding breeds shed consistently throughout the year.
The typical life expectancy for Briard puppies in Cypress, TX is 10 to 12 years.
On Good Dog, you can search for Briard puppies or dogs in rescues and shelters near Cypress, TX. Adopting a Briard from a shelter or rescue in Cypress, TX is generally less expensive than buying a puppy from a breeder with ethical practices. Across the United States, there are dedicated rescues that specialize in specific breeds and may even help transport a Briard dog to you in Cypress, TX from another part of the country. Although it can be more cost-effective, adopting the exact breed you're looking for is typically more difficult than working with a responsible breeder. Learn more about adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue.
Good Dog is your partner in all parts of your puppy search. We’re here to help you find Briard puppies for sale near Cypress, TX from responsible breeders you can trust. Easily search hundreds of Briard puppy listings, connect directly with our community of Briard breeders near Cypress, TX, and start your journey into dog ownership today — we’ll have you covered at every step.
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