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Chinook puppies for sale

Near Leesburg, VA

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About the Chinook

The rare Chinook is an even-tempered and affable working breed. Always eager to please, they do best with consistent exercise and are incredibly devoted, intelligent, and calm.

High energy

Energy level

Regular coat care

Coat care

Moderate shedding


Frequently asked questions
  1. What is the typical price of Chinook puppies in Leesburg, VA?

    Prices for Chinook puppies for sale in Leesburg, VA vary by breeder and individual puppy. On Good Dog today, Chinook puppies in Leesburg, VA range in price from $2,400 to $2,550. Because all breeding programs are different, you may find dogs for sale outside that price range.

  2. What is the average size range of Chinook puppies in Leesburg, VA?

    The expected weight range for male Chinook puppies in Leesburg, VA is 55 to 90 pounds. The expected weight range for female Chinook puppies in Leesburg, VA is 50 to 65 pounds. Because size and weight may vary based on individual dogs, your dog may be outside of that range.

  3. Is Chinook in Leesburg, VA a high shedding breed?

    Chinook puppies in Leesburg, VA are a moderate shedding breed. However, it's possible that a dog's level of shedding may vary by individual puppy.

  4. How active are Chinook puppies in Leesburg, VA?

    Most Chinook puppies in Leesburg, VA will be high energy. As Chinook puppies in Leesburg, VA may be high energy energy, they should receive at least one hour per day of physical activity.

About Good Dog

Good Dog is your partner in all parts of your puppy search. We’re here to help you find Chinook puppies for sale near Leesburg, VA from responsible breeders you can trust. Easily search hundreds of Chinook puppy listings, connect directly with our community of Chinook breeders near Leesburg, VA, and start your journey into dog ownership today — we’ll have you covered at every step.

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