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Colombian Fino Hound puppies for sale

Near Southampton, PA

  • Sol

    Ready now

    3 months old • Male

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    6 reviews
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About the Colombian Fino Hound

The Colombian Fino Hound is a pleasant, carefree, and affectionate family member. Though like most hounds, they can be stubborn when they catch the scent of a trail and have a strong prey drive.

High energy

Energy level

Easy coat care

Coat care

Moderate shedding


Frequently asked questions
  1. What is the typical price of Colombian Fino Hound puppies in Southampton, PA?

    Prices may vary based on the breeder and individual puppy for sale in Southampton, PA. On Good Dog, Colombian Fino Hound puppies in Southampton, PA range in price from $600 to $1,200. We recommend speaking directly with your breeder to get a better idea of their price range.

  2. What are the sizes of Colombian Fino Hound puppies?

    Colombian Fino Hound puppies in Southampton, PA span multiple sizes. The typical size ranges for Colombian Fino Hound puppies in Southampton, PA are:

    • Standard Colombian Fino Hounds are typically around 35 to 55 pounds
    • Grande Colombian Fino Hounds are typically around 55 to 75 pounds

    For more information on the expected size of your puppy, we recommend speaking directly with your breeder.

  3. How long do Colombian Fino Hound puppies in Southampton, PA live on average?

    The typical life expectancy for Colombian Fino Hound puppies in Southampton, PA is 12 to 13 years.

  4. How much do Colombian Fino Hound puppies in Southampton, PA shed?

    Colombian Fino Hound puppies in Southampton, PA are a moderate shedding breed. We recommend speaking directly with your breeder to get a better idea of the expected shedding level of your Colombian Fino Hound puppy.

About Good Dog

Good Dog is your partner in all parts of your puppy search. We’re here to help you find Colombian Fino Hound puppies for sale near Southampton, PA from responsible breeders you can trust. Easily search hundreds of Colombian Fino Hound puppy listings, connect directly with our community of Colombian Fino Hound breeders near Southampton, PA, and start your journey into dog ownership today — we’ll have you covered at every step.

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