Miniature Schnauzer puppies for sale

Near Southampton, PA

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Two Miniature Schnauzers relax on a chair
Two salt and pepper Miniature Schnauzers pose for a picture
A black Miniature Schnauzer stands out against a rainbow painted wall

About the Miniature Schnauzer

They combine playfulness, spunkiness and intelligence in a compact sharp-dressed body. Learn more

Moderate Energy

Energy level

Regular Maintenance


Average Trainability


Frequently asked questions
  1. What is the typical price of Miniature Schnauzer puppies in Southampton, PA?

    The typical price for Miniature Schnauzer puppies for sale in Southampton, PA may vary based on the breeder and individual puppy. On average, Miniature Schnauzer puppies from a breeder in Southampton, PA may range in price from $2,750 to $3,500.

  2. Is Miniature Schnauzer in Southampton, PA a high shedding breed?

    Miniature Schnauzer puppies in Southampton, PA are a very low shedding breed. However, it's possible that a dog's level of shedding may vary by individual puppy.

  3. What is the average size of Miniature Schnauzer puppies in Southampton, PA?

    The expected weight range for Miniature Schnauzer puppies in Southampton, PA is around 10 to 20 pounds. However, size and weight may vary from puppy to puppy. We recommend speaking directly with your breeder to get a better idea of the expected size of your puppy.

  4. Do Miniature Schnauzer need a lot of exercise in Southampton, PA?

    Most Miniature Schnauzer puppies in Southampton, PA will be moderate energy. As Miniature Schnauzer puppies in Southampton, PA may be moderate energy energy, they may benefit from around 30 - 60 minutes of exercise every day.

About Good Dog

Good Dog is your partner in all parts of your puppy search. We’re here to help you find Miniature Schnauzer puppies for sale near Southampton, PA from responsible breeders you can trust. Easily search hundreds of Miniature Schnauzer puppy listings, connect directly with our community of Miniature Schnauzer breeders near Southampton, PA, and start your journey into dog ownership today — we’ll have you covered at every step.