Near North Richland Hills, TX
Saddle Creek Kennels
740 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
Our dogs are family-raised & bred for versatility, ability, & drive. They are very trainable & make excellent hunters. Sweet too!
1verified story
No litters planned
On a hunt kennels
1153 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
I only breed high-quality dogs. They must pass the Navhda Basic utilities of 108 or higher.
No litters planned
Stohner Pudelpointers
40 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
Having a dog in our lives is such a blessing. We find so much fulfillment in providing that same companionship to other homes!
No litters planned
Simply Southern Retrievers, LLC
167 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
We breed athletic Poodles with fantastic temperaments that will make stellar family pets and hunting companions!
No litters planned
Bearded Lady Pudelpointers
467 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
We are passionate breeders focused on producing high-quality hunting dogs that also fit into a home setting.
No litters planned
Shiloh Hills Pudelpointers
529 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
We strive for conformationally correct, athletic, and intelligent dogs - the truly versatile Pudelpointer.
No litters planned
Adeline Gun Dogs
560 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
Versatile Hunting Dog Breeder. Our goal is to produce quality hunting dogs that double as great family companions.
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High Power Pudelpointers
588 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
We breed for the highest quality versatile hunting dog!
No litters planned
Dale Parker
589 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
Our dogs are bred to produce healthy, sound, and versatile pups. They make excellent hunting companions and family pets.
No litters planned
Paladin Gundogs
762 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
We focus on ethically breeding exceptional hunting dogs that also make great family companions. We take pride in our work!
No litters planned
Beyond the Point Kennel
786 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
We focus on ethically breeding exceptional hunting dogs that also make great family companions. We take pride in our work!
No litters planned
Iron Rod Gun Dogs
803 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
Our dogs are bred to produce healthy, sound, and versatile pups. They make excellent hunting companions and family pets.
No litters planned
Point North Gundogs
893 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
Our dogs are bred for health, temperament, and intelligence. We strive to produce the best overall pets and family members.
No litters planned
Packmaster GunDogs
951 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
We firmly believe pudelpointers are the best versatile breed. Our dogs live in our home with the rest of their human pack.
No litters planned
Ripsnorter Kennels
965 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
A three-generation, preservation breeding program. We produce top versatile German Wirehaired Pointers and Pudelpointers.
No litters planned
Marshland Gun Dogs
969 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
We focus on ethically breeding exceptional hunting dogs that also make great family companions. We take pride in our work!
No litters planned
Bent Tree Pudelpointers
991 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
Our Pudelpointers come from some of the best genetic backgrounds. They are awesome hunting dogs as well as make great family pets.
No litters planned
Brookeside Pudelpointers
1207 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
No litters planned
Lone Pine Pudelpointers
1216 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
We are a small family breeder, working to preserve the characteristics and quality of the breed with temperament being a priority.
No litters planned
Grey Grouse Pudelpointers
1390 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
We strive for conformationally correct, athletic, and intelligent dogs - the truly versatile Pudelpointer.
No litters planned
Deschutes Pudelpointer
1466 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
Our goal is to produce healthy, well-rounded Pudelpointers that excel as companions both in the field and in the home.
No litters planned
Happy Valley Gun Dogs
1583 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
We breed athletic Pudelpointers with fantastic temperaments that will make stellar family pets and companions in the field.
No litters planned
Sage Creek Pudelpointers
1583 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
We raise family-oriented and hardworking dogs. Our puppies go on to be great family pets and working companions.
No litters planned
6675 miles away from North Richland Hills, TX
Our dogs are family-raised and bred for versatility, ability, and drive. They are very trainable and make excellent hunters!
No litters planned
Nomad Pudelpointer Kennels
North Richland Hills, TX
We focus on ethically breeding exceptional hunting dogs that also make great family companions. We take pride in our work!
No litters planned
Down River Gun Dogs
North Richland Hills, TX
We breed athletic Pudelpointers with fantastic temperaments that will make stellar family pets and companions in the field.
No litters planned
Intelligent and eager to please, the Pudelpointer is a talented hunting dog. While this breed is typically calm and even-tempered, it does require a good deal of exercise and socialization.
Moderate energy
Energy level
Easy coat care
Coat care
Moderate shedding
Prices for Pudelpointer puppies for sale in North Richland Hills, TX vary by breeder and individual puppy. On Good Dog today, Pudelpointer puppies in North Richland Hills, TX range in price from $2,250 to $3,350. Because all breeding programs are different, you may find dogs for sale outside that price range.
Most Pudelpointer puppies in North Richland Hills, TX will be moderate energy. As Pudelpointer puppies in North Richland Hills, TX may be moderate energy energy, they may benefit from around 30 - 60 minutes of exercise every day.
The expected weight range for Pudelpointer puppies in North Richland Hills, TX is around 45 to 70 pounds. However, size and weight may vary from puppy to puppy. We recommend speaking directly with your breeder to get a better idea of the expected size of your puppy.
Pudelpointer puppies in North Richland Hills, TX are a moderate shedding breed. Some moderate shedding breeds may shed more or less depending on the time of the year, while other moderate shedding breeds shed consistently throughout the year.
On Good Dog, you can search for Pudelpointer puppies or dogs in rescues and shelters near North Richland Hills, TX. Adopting a Pudelpointer from a shelter or rescue in North Richland Hills, TX is generally less expensive than buying a puppy from a breeder with ethical practices. Across the United States, there are dedicated rescues that specialize in specific breeds and may even help transport a Pudelpointer dog to you in North Richland Hills, TX from another part of the country. Although it can be more cost-effective, adopting the exact breed you're looking for is typically more difficult than working with a responsible breeder. Learn more about adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue.
Good Dog is your partner in all parts of your puppy search. We’re here to help you find Pudelpointer puppies for sale near North Richland Hills, TX from responsible breeders you can trust. Easily search hundreds of Pudelpointer puppy listings, connect directly with our community of Pudelpointer breeders near North Richland Hills, TX, and start your journey into dog ownership today — we’ll have you covered at every step.
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