Near Jackson Township, NJ
La Rive Pyr Sheps LLC
515 miles away from Jackson Township, NJ
We breed fully health-tested Pyrenean Shepherds who are beautiful representatives of the standard. We look forward to connecting!
Puppies ready July 10
Echo Ridge Kennel
362 miles away from Jackson Township, NJ
Our dogs are bred for health, temperament, and intelligence. We strive to produce the best overall pets and family members.
No litters planned
705 miles away from Jackson Township, NJ
Successfully train and compete with Australian Shepherds in conformation, agility, obedience, rally, tracking, and herding.
No litters planned
Smooth Sailing Kennels
737 miles away from Jackson Township, NJ
We’re proud of the healthy, affectionate, and behaviorally well-rounded puppies we raise for other families to love!
No litters planned
759 miles away from Jackson Township, NJ
I'm a passionate breeder who focuses on preserving and maintaining the original type + working ability of this special breed.
No litters planned
Hailing from the Pyrenees Mountains of France, the lively Pyrenean Shepherd was bred to be a high-energy and trainable sheep herding dog, making them excellent sport prospects in today's world.
High energy
Energy level
High maintenance coat care
Coat care
Moderate shedding
Prices for Pyrenean Shepherd puppies for sale in Jackson Township, NJ vary by breeder and individual puppy. On Good Dog today, Pyrenean Shepherd puppies in Jackson Township, NJ range in price from $2,500 to $3,500. Because all breeding programs are different, you may find dogs for sale outside that price range.
The average lifespan for Pyrenean Shepherd puppies in Jackson Township, NJ is 17 to 19 years of age.
Pyrenean Shepherd puppies in Jackson Township, NJ tend to be high energy. As a general rule, dogs with a high energy level may require more than 60 minutes per day of physical activity, but it's possible that your dog may need a different level of exercise.
The expected weight range for Pyrenean Shepherd puppies in Jackson Township, NJ is around 15 to 30 pounds. However, size and weight may vary from puppy to puppy. We recommend speaking directly with your breeder to get a better idea of the expected size of your puppy.
On Good Dog, you can search for Pyrenean Shepherd puppies or dogs in rescues and shelters near Jackson Township, NJ. Adopting a Pyrenean Shepherd from a shelter or rescue in Jackson Township, NJ is generally less expensive than buying a puppy from a breeder with ethical practices. Across the United States, there are dedicated rescues that specialize in specific breeds and may even help transport a Pyrenean Shepherd dog to you in Jackson Township, NJ from another part of the country. Although it can be more cost-effective, adopting the exact breed you're looking for is typically more difficult than working with a responsible breeder. Learn more about adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue.
Good Dog is your partner in all parts of your puppy search. We’re here to help you find Pyrenean Shepherd puppies for sale near Jackson Township, NJ from responsible breeders you can trust. Easily search hundreds of Pyrenean Shepherd puppy listings, connect directly with our community of Pyrenean Shepherd breeders near Jackson Township, NJ, and start your journey into dog ownership today — we’ll have you covered at every step.
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