Scottish Collie puppies for sale

Near Troy, MI

  • Woodpecker Farm the Gael (Blue πŸ’™)

    Ready now

    10 months old β€’ Male

    Raised by Tracey W.

    Responds within a few days

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About the Scottish Collie

Originating in the Scottish highlands, Scottish Collies are known for their loyal, friendly, gentle, and intelligent nature. They are easy to train, making them popular for obedience, service work, and dog sports. They are affectionate and form strong bonds with their owners. Scottish Collies have a rich history. Through the SCPS registry, they are bred with consideration for the overall genetic health of the Scottish Collie's future generations.

High energy

Energy level

Regular coat care

Coat care

Moderate shedding


Frequently asked questions
  1. How much do Scottish Collie puppies cost in Troy, MI?

    Prices may vary based on the breeder and individual puppy for sale in Troy, MI. On Good Dog, Scottish Collie puppies in Troy, MI range in price from $1,550 to $1,800. We recommend speaking directly with your breeder to get a better idea of their price range.

  2. Do Scottish Collie puppies in Troy, MI shed?

    Scottish Collie puppies in Troy, MI are a moderate shedding breed. However, it's possible that a dog's level of shedding may vary by individual puppy.

  3. Are Scottish Collie in Troy, MI high energy?

    Most Scottish Collie puppies in Troy, MI will be high energy. As Scottish Collie puppies in Troy, MI may be high energy energy, they should receive at least one hour per day of physical activity.

  4. What is the average size range of Scottish Collie puppies in Troy, MI?

    The expected weight range for male Scottish Collie puppies in Troy, MI is 45 to 65 pounds. The expected weight range for female Scottish Collie puppies in Troy, MI is 40 to 55 pounds. Because size and weight may vary based on individual dogs, your dog may be outside of that range.

About Good Dog

Good Dog is your partner in all parts of your puppy search. We’re here to help you find Scottish Collie puppies for sale near Troy, MI from responsible breeders you can trust. Easily search hundreds of Scottish Collie puppy listings, connect directly with our community of Scottish Collie breeders near Troy, MI, and start your journey into dog ownership today β€” we’ll have you covered at every step.

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