Often used to hunt game in the Southeastern United States, this small and athletic breed was bred from hounds and terriers. They are considered to be a highly adaptable breed, so long as they receive appropriate exercise.
High energy
Energy level
Easy coat care
Coat care
Moderate shedding
Frequently asked questions
How much do Treeing Feist puppies cost in Pearl City, HI?
Prices for Treeing Feist puppies for sale in Pearl City, HI vary by breeder and individual puppy. On Good Dog today, Treeing Feist puppies in Pearl City, HI range in price from $250 to $300. Because all breeding programs are different, you may find dogs for sale outside that price range.
Are Treeing Feist in Pearl City, HI high energy?
Treeing Feist puppies in Pearl City, HI tend to be high energy. As a general rule, dogs with a high energy level may require more than 60 minutes per day of physical activity, but it's possible that your dog may need a different level of exercise.
What is the life expectancy for Treeing Feist puppies in Pearl City, HI?
The typical life expectancy for Treeing Feist puppies in Pearl City, HI is 12 to 14 years.
What is the average size of Treeing Feist puppies in Pearl City, HI?
The expected weight range for Treeing Feist puppies in Pearl City, HI is around 12 to 30 pounds. However, size and weight may vary from puppy to puppy. We recommend speaking directly with your breeder to get a better idea of the expected size of your puppy.
Good Dog is your partner in all parts of your puppy search. We’re here to help you find Treeing Feist puppies for sale near Pearl City, HI from responsible breeders you can trust. Easily search hundreds of Treeing Feist puppy listings, connect directly with our community of Treeing Feist breeders near Pearl City, HI, and start your journey into dog ownership today — we’ll have you covered at every step.
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Health testing
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Tail type
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Indicates whether or not a dog’s tail has been docked or is natural. For some dog breeds, tail docking, or removing a portion of a dog’s tail, is a standard practice.