Near Cheektowaga, NY
Clussexx Kennels
480 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
Puppies ready June 24
377 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
I am a vet. I started showing dogs as an undergrad student in conformation and performance events. I bred my 1st litter in 2016.
Puppies ready Aug. 15
Fireside Welsh Springer Spaniels
268 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
We bred and show Welsh Springer Spaniels and provide high-quality puppies to select homes.
No litters planned
Truepenny & Pennylane Welsh Springer Spaniels
276 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
We are AKC Breeders of Merit who breed our beloved Welshies with a focus on health, temperament, and conformation.
No litters planned
Middlebrook Welsh Springers
299 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
No litters planned
IVYWILD Welsh Springer Spaniels
303 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
We breed high-quality puppies. We love what we do and are committed to producing well-bred, healthy puppies for loving homes.
No litters planned
Braith Welsh Springer Spaniels
317 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
We are passionate about the health and well being of our Welsh Springers. They are born and live in our home.
No litters planned
Long Lane Welsh
446 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
Welcome to Long Lane Welsh! I focus on breeding happy, healthy Welsh Springer Spaniels that make excellent family companions.
No litters planned
Windywood Kennel
455 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
We hold ourselves to high standards for the integrity of our program. All of our puppies are socialized, nurtured, and loved!
No litters planned
Withywindle Welsh Springer Spaniels
493 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
Our dogs excel both in and out of the show ring. They are excellent representations of the breed and have wonderful temperaments.
No litters planned
River Rock
535 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
I offer top-quality puppies with a focus on temperament, form, and function. I believe quality is more important than quantity.
No litters planned
Statesman Welsh Springer Spaniels
537 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
I have been breeding Welsh since 1979. My goal remains to breed healthy, happy Welsh utilizing the OFA CHIC program.
No litters planned
Renascent Welsh Springer Spaniels
693 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
Breeder of Welsh Springer Spaniels with emphasis on temperament, health, and soundness.
No litters planned
Aki Pampush's Welsh Springer Spaniels
693 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
We care deeply about our breed and have built that love and respect for the breed into every aspect of our program.
No litters planned
Chessy Creek Welsh Springer Spaniels
696 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
I focus on intentional breeding so that I can produce quality puppies that are excellent representations of the standard.
No litters planned
734 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
We focus on intentional breeding so that we can produce quality puppies that are excellent representations of the standard.
No litters planned
Tropic Welsh Springer Spaniels
1131 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
I take pride in breeding quality puppies and strive for excellence in health and sound temperament. They are raised as family!
No litters planned
Gualtieri's Welsh Springer Spaniels
1176 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
We love this breed and do everything we can to help it thrive. We give each of our dogs and puppies the best care that we can.
No litters planned
Painted Sky Farms Welsh Springer Spaniels
1344 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
We breed wonderful show prospects and family companions.
No litters planned
KayCee’s Welsh Springer Spainels
1924 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
We breed for the love of the breed, strong, healthy, happy puppies that can do and behave as they were originally bread to do.
No litters planned
Normandy Labs
1991 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
We breed dogs we want to have as part of our family. All of our dogs live with us in our home.
No litters planned
Luna Park Kennels
2110 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
I am just getting started with Welsh Springer Spaniels, and I am excited to work towards my first litter!
No litters planned
BriarRose English and Welsh Springers
2139 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
Our dogs are bred for health, temperament, and conformation. We strive to produce beautiful and versatile beloved companions.
No litters planned
Welshwood Welsh Springer Spaniels - Not breeding right now.
2291 miles away from Cheektowaga, NY
We offer top-quality pet and show puppies from carefully planned litters, who are able to perform the job for which they are bred.
No litters planned
An ancient bird dog, the Welshie is a polite, cheerful, and peaceful breed. They thrive off of rigorous exercise and do best in an active home where they can get proper socialization.
High energy
Energy level
Regular coat care
Coat care
Moderate shedding
Prices for Welsh Springer Spaniel puppies for sale in Cheektowaga, NY vary by breeder and individual puppy. On Good Dog today, Welsh Springer Spaniel puppies in Cheektowaga, NY range in price from $2,300 to $2,500. Because all breeding programs are different, you may find dogs for sale outside that price range.
Welsh Springer Spaniel puppies in Cheektowaga, NY tend to be high energy. As a general rule, dogs with a high energy level may require more than 60 minutes per day of physical activity, but it's possible that your dog may need a different level of exercise.
Welsh Springer Spaniel puppies in Cheektowaga, NY are a moderate shedding breed. However, it's possible that a dog's level of shedding may vary by individual puppy.
Welsh Springer Spaniel puppies in Cheektowaga, NY may live on average between 12 to 15 years.
On Good Dog, you can search for Welsh Springer Spaniel puppies or dogs in rescues and shelters near Cheektowaga, NY. Adopting a Welsh Springer Spaniel from a shelter or rescue in Cheektowaga, NY is generally less expensive than buying a puppy from a breeder with ethical practices. Across the United States, there are dedicated rescues that specialize in specific breeds and may even help transport a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog to you in Cheektowaga, NY from another part of the country. Although it can be more cost-effective, adopting the exact breed you're looking for is typically more difficult than working with a responsible breeder. Learn more about adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue.
Good Dog is your partner in all parts of your puppy search. We’re here to help you find Welsh Springer Spaniel puppies for sale near Cheektowaga, NY from responsible breeders you can trust. Easily search hundreds of Welsh Springer Spaniel puppy listings, connect directly with our community of Welsh Springer Spaniel breeders near Cheektowaga, NY, and start your journey into dog ownership today — we’ll have you covered at every step.
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