Near Tamiami, FL
Tanagra Windsprites
696 miles away from Tamiami, FL
Our high-quality puppies are the result of extensive research and thorough care for our outstanding dogs and puppies.
No litters planned
Green Haven Windsprites
944 miles away from Tamiami, FL
We’re proud of the healthy, affectionate, and behaviorally well-rounded puppies we raise for other families to love!
No litters planned
Propel Windsprites
1065 miles away from Tamiami, FL
Our pups are excellent representations of their breed, we offer our high-quality puppies to loving pet or performance homes.
No litters planned
Wylde Pups
1168 miles away from Tamiami, FL
I do not have any puppies available.
No litters planned
Crystal Spirit Windsprites
1186 miles away from Tamiami, FL
My first priority is the health and temperament of my puppies.
No litters planned
Fairbairn Windsprites
1259 miles away from Tamiami, FL
We enjoy showing our dogs and occasionally offer puppies from our high-quality Windsprites. We are proud of our dogs and pups.
No litters planned
Wynwythe Kennel
1293 miles away from Tamiami, FL
We are strong advocates of proper breeding practices and run our program accordingly. We breed top-quality Windsprites.
No litters planned
High Falls Hounds
1300 miles away from Tamiami, FL
Our goal is to ensure every dog from our program is set up to live a happy and healthy life.
No litters planned
Tova Sighthounds
1303 miles away from Tamiami, FL
We breed to both help ensure the future of the Windsprite and to improve upon our dogs' fantastic traits with each generation.
No litters planned
Northern Lore Windsprites
1332 miles away from Tamiami, FL
Northern Lore is a collaborative breeding program focused on mental and physical health.
No litters planned
Although this breed is exceptionally focused and devoted when they're given a job, their general temperament is calm and gentle. The Windsprite is trainable, sweet, and surprisingly goofy.
Moderate energy
Energy level
Easy coat care
Coat care
Moderate shedding
Prices may vary based on the breeder and individual puppy for sale in Tamiami, FL. On Good Dog, Windsprite puppies in Tamiami, FL range in price from $2,100 to $2,750. We recommend speaking directly with your breeder to get a better idea of their price range.
Windsprite puppies in Tamiami, FL are a moderate shedding breed. We recommend speaking directly with your breeder to get a better idea of the expected shedding level of your Windsprite puppy.
Windsprite puppies in Tamiami, FL may live on average between 12 to 15 years.
The expected weight range for male Windsprite puppies in Tamiami, FL is 25 to 30 pounds. The expected weight range for female Windsprite puppies in Tamiami, FL is 20 to 25 pounds. Because size and weight may vary based on individual dogs, your dog may be outside of that range.
On Good Dog, you can search for Windsprite puppies or dogs in rescues and shelters near Tamiami, FL. Adopting a Windsprite from a shelter or rescue in Tamiami, FL is generally less expensive than buying a puppy from a breeder with ethical practices. Across the United States, there are dedicated rescues that specialize in specific breeds and may even help transport a Windsprite dog to you in Tamiami, FL from another part of the country. Although it can be more cost-effective, adopting the exact breed you're looking for is typically more difficult than working with a responsible breeder. Learn more about adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue.
Good Dog is your partner in all parts of your puppy search. We’re here to help you find Windsprite puppies for sale near Tamiami, FL from responsible breeders you can trust. Easily search hundreds of Windsprite puppy listings, connect directly with our community of Windsprite breeders near Tamiami, FL, and start your journey into dog ownership today — we’ll have you covered at every step.
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