Near Irvine, CA
Cloudpointe Kennels
972 miles away from Irvine, CA
We offer fully health-tested AKC Norwegian Buhunds and Chinese Cresteds raised in our home with family.
Puppies ready Feb. 14, 2023
Nordlys Norwegian Buhunds
1398 miles away from Irvine, CA
We breed high-quality puppies. We love what we do and are committed to producing well-bred, healthy puppies for loving homes.
Puppies ready May 20
Yggdrasil Buhunds
836 miles away from Irvine, CA
We breed athletic, intelligent, work-focused Norwegian Buhunds from fully health-tested and titled parents.
No litters planned
Starry Sky Buhunds
1718 miles away from Irvine, CA
It is our goal to produce affectionate Norwegian Buhund's that are healthy, well-tempered, and make wonderful companions.
No litters planned
Valhasar Norwegian Bunhund Kennels
1903 miles away from Irvine, CA
I have been showing dogs for 45 years. I take pride in my work and strive to produce top-quality, healthy, versatile puppies.
No litters planned
Rose Shadow Ranch
1945 miles away from Irvine, CA
We built our program with care and intention in every step. We care deeply about the health and wellbeing of this breed.
No litters planned
BlackRose Norwegian Buhunds
1945 miles away from Irvine, CA
We breed AKC Norwegian Buhunds for show, service dogs, and family companions. Litters are from health tested and titled parents.
No litters planned
1961 miles away from Irvine, CA
We offer high-quality Norwegian Buhund and beagle puppies to show/companion homes. We breed for health/temperament/conformation.
No litters planned
Trollheimen Kennel
2405 miles away from Irvine, CA
We offer top quality pets with a focus on health and temperament. Our dogs are well-rounded and bred to thrive in the world!
No litters planned
Though the Norwegian Buhund is a talented working dog, they're also homebodies who love nothing more than being with their human companions. This all-purpose farm dog is incredibly devoted and thrives off of rigorous athletic activity.
High energy
Energy level
Regular coat care
Coat care
Moderate shedding
The typical price for Norwegian Buhund puppies for sale in Irvine, CA may vary based on the breeder and individual puppy. On average, Norwegian Buhund puppies from a breeder in Irvine, CA may range in price from $2,000 to $2,500.
Norwegian Buhund puppies in Irvine, CA are a moderate shedding breed. Some moderate shedding breeds may shed more or less depending on the time of the year, while other moderate shedding breeds shed consistently throughout the year.
The expected weight range for male Norwegian Buhund puppies in Irvine, CA is 30 to 40 pounds. The expected weight range for female Norwegian Buhund puppies in Irvine, CA is 25 to 35 pounds. Because size and weight may vary based on individual dogs, your dog may be outside of that range.
The typical life expectancy for Norwegian Buhund puppies in Irvine, CA is 12 to 15 years.
On Good Dog, you can search for Norwegian Buhund puppies or dogs in rescues and shelters near Irvine, CA. Adopting a Norwegian Buhund from a shelter or rescue in Irvine, CA is generally less expensive than buying a puppy from a breeder with ethical practices. Across the United States, there are dedicated rescues that specialize in specific breeds and may even help transport a Norwegian Buhund dog to you in Irvine, CA from another part of the country. Although it can be more cost-effective, adopting the exact breed you're looking for is typically more difficult than working with a responsible breeder. Learn more about adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue.
Good Dog is your partner in all parts of your puppy search. We’re here to help you find Norwegian Buhund puppies for sale near Irvine, CA from responsible breeders you can trust. Easily search hundreds of Norwegian Buhund puppy listings, connect directly with our community of Norwegian Buhund breeders near Irvine, CA, and start your journey into dog ownership today — we’ll have you covered at every step.
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