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Schnoodle puppies for sale

Near Buffalo, NY

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About the Schnoodle

Quick to adapt, Schnoodles make a great pet for just about anyone. Whether you live in the city or have room to run, these dogs will do well with someone that can provide moderate exercise and then cuddle up on the couch with them.

Moderate energy

Energy level

Regular coat care

Coat care

Very low shedding


Frequently asked questions
  1. How much do Schnoodle puppies cost in Buffalo, NY?

    The typical price for Schnoodle puppies for sale in Buffalo, NY may vary based on the breeder and individual puppy. On average, Schnoodle puppies from a breeder in Buffalo, NY may range in price from $1,200 to $2,262.50.

  2. Is Schnoodle in Buffalo, NY a high shedding breed?

    Schnoodle puppies in Buffalo, NY are a very low shedding breed. Some very low shedding breeds may shed more or less depending on the time of the year, while other very low shedding breeds shed consistently throughout the year.

  3. What is the average lifespan for Schnoodle puppies in Buffalo, NY?

    Schnoodle puppies in Buffalo, NY may live on average between 13 to 17 years.

  4. What is the average size of Schnoodle puppies in Buffalo, NY?

    The expected weight range for Schnoodle puppies in Buffalo, NY is around 7 to 15 pounds. However, size and weight may vary from puppy to puppy. We recommend speaking directly with your breeder to get a better idea of the expected size of your puppy.

About Good Dog

Good Dog is your partner in all parts of your puppy search. We’re here to help you find Schnoodle puppies for sale near Buffalo, NY from responsible breeders you can trust. Easily search hundreds of Schnoodle puppy listings, connect directly with our community of Schnoodle breeders near Buffalo, NY, and start your journey into dog ownership today — we’ll have you covered at every step.

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