Near Aventura, FL
Osage Ridge
1074 miles away from Aventura, FL
We breed to both help ensure the future of the Gordon Setter and to improve upon our dogs' fantastic traits with each generation.
1verified story
No litters planned
The Duke of Gordon
1164 miles away from Aventura, FL
I raise your puppy in my home to hunt, show, or to join your family . Puppies are placed with carefully selected owners.
No litters planned
Bit O’ Gold Gordon Setters
1260 miles away from Aventura, FL
Bit O’ Gold has been breeding Gordon Setters over 35 years. We strive to breed Gordons that will be loyal household companions.
1verified story
No litters planned
Wagland Gordon Setters
145 miles away from Aventura, FL
Having a dog in our lives is such a blessing. We find so much fulfillment in providing that same companionship to other homes!
No litters planned
Glen 'Mor Gordon Setters
145 miles away from Aventura, FL
We raise our puppies with total care and attention so they can become well-socialized and loving additions to their forever homes.
No litters planned
Whistler's Farm NC
648 miles away from Aventura, FL
We offer Gordon Setter puppies that excel as family companions and bird dogs! They are raised with love from our home to yours.
No litters planned
United Winds Gordon Setters
681 miles away from Aventura, FL
Our dogs are bred for health, temperament, and intelligence. We strive to produce the best overall pets and family members.
No litters planned
Hopper Grass Gordon Setters
683 miles away from Aventura, FL
We breed loyal companions with natural hunting instincts. Our Gordon Setters are loved by our family and live in our home.
No litters planned
HollyGrove DreamChasers
856 miles away from Aventura, FL
We breed and show top-quality puppies. Our heavy involvement in the show world speaks to the standards that we breed our dogs by.
No litters planned
Laurel Hill
927 miles away from Aventura, FL
We care deeply about Gordon Setters and have built that love and respect for the breed into every aspect of our program.
No litters planned
Pointsetter Farm
927 miles away from Aventura, FL
Our dogs excel in the ring and as beloved companions. We are very proud of their accomplishments and those of their puppies.
No litters planned
Black and Tan Tail Feathers
1021 miles away from Aventura, FL
We are passionate about our breed and want all our puppies to find happy, loving, and active homes.
No litters planned
1053 miles away from Aventura, FL
We focus on intentional breeding so that we can produce quality puppies that are excellent representations of the standard.
No litters planned
Andelle Farms
1074 miles away from Aventura, FL
We focus on intentional breeding so that we can produce quality puppies that are excellent representations of the standard.
No litters planned
Dreamcatcher Kennel
1114 miles away from Aventura, FL
I breed and show performance Gordon Setters.
No litters planned
Bravo Gordon Setters
1145 miles away from Aventura, FL
Our dogs are our beloved companions. We care deeply about this breed and are proud to be responsible Gordon Setter breeders.
No litters planned
Heart of Gold Canine
1153 miles away from Aventura, FL
We are strong advocates of proper breeding practices and run our program accordingly. We breed top-quality Gordon Setters.
No litters planned
1175 miles away from Aventura, FL
I have had Gordon’s since 1972. My pups participate in the show ring, obedience, Hunt Tests, FCAT and in field trials.
No litters planned
Ravenrose Gordon Setters
1207 miles away from Aventura, FL
The goal of our breeding program is healthy, temperamentally sound Gordon Setters suitable for home, field and show ring.
No litters planned
Willow Glen Gordon Setters
1256 miles away from Aventura, FL
Our dogs are bred for health, temperament, and intelligence. We strive to produce the best overall pets and family members.
No litters planned
Tamdhu Gordon Setters
1272 miles away from Aventura, FL
Our dogs are family raised and bred for versatility, ability, and drive. They are very trainable and make excellent hunters!
No litters planned
1279 miles away from Aventura, FL
I am very passionate about raising well-rounded pups who will excel in any venue with their new families. I take pride in my pups.
No litters planned
Mary Ann's Gordon Setters
1305 miles away from Aventura, FL
Our goal is to ensure every dog from our program is set up to live a happy and healthy life and is prepared for its future role.
No litters planned
Barb's Gordon Setters
1305 miles away from Aventura, FL
We love to responsibly raise and train our puppies so they have the tools to be well-rounded, beloved family members.
No litters planned
Raritan Gordon Setters
1324 miles away from Aventura, FL
We built our program with care and intention in every step. We care deeply about the health and wellbeing of this breed.
No litters planned
Moonstone Setters
1345 miles away from Aventura, FL
I offer quality Setters for conformation, competition, the field, and as couch buddies! My dogs are family members first.
No litters planned
Jodi's Kennel
1531 miles away from Aventura, FL
Field and family bred pups! Their parents have good noses, a natural retrieve, and are both intelligent and willing to please.
No litters planned
Wingsetter Gordon Setters
1539 miles away from Aventura, FL
Our dogs are bred for health, temperament, and intelligence. We strive to produce the best overall pets and family members.
No litters planned
Gordon’s of Hilton Castle
1642 miles away from Aventura, FL
All of our puppies are bred, raised, and loved indoors to produce happy, healthy pets for those seeking the best family companion!
No litters planned
Donna's Gordon Setters
1642 miles away from Aventura, FL
Our dogs are bred to have top qualities that all families want in their puppies, such as compassion, patience, and love!
No litters planned
Echoglen Gordon Setters
1926 miles away from Aventura, FL
We enjoy showing our dogs and occasionally offer puppies from our high-quality pups. We are proud of our dogs and pups.
No litters planned
Sunshine Hill Top Gordon
2266 miles away from Aventura, FL
All of our dogs are loved as family members. We cherish our puppies from birth up until they leave our arms to snuggle into yours!
No litters planned
While the Gordon Setter is known for their striking confidence, this courageous breed can also be an extremely sweet, dependable, and affectionate companion.
High energy
Energy level
Regular coat care
Coat care
Moderate shedding
The typical price for Gordon Setter puppies for sale in Aventura, FL may vary based on the breeder and individual puppy. On average, Gordon Setter puppies from a breeder in Aventura, FL may range in price from $1,550 to $2,000.
Gordon Setter puppies in Aventura, FL tend to be high energy. As a general rule, dogs with a high energy level may require more than 60 minutes per day of physical activity, but it's possible that your dog may need a different level of exercise.
Gordon Setter puppies in Aventura, FL are a moderate shedding breed. Some moderate shedding breeds may shed more or less depending on the time of the year, while other moderate shedding breeds shed consistently throughout the year.
Gordon Setter puppies in Aventura, FL may live on average between 12 to 13 years.
On Good Dog, you can search for Gordon Setter puppies or dogs in rescues and shelters near Aventura, FL. Adopting a Gordon Setter from a shelter or rescue in Aventura, FL is generally less expensive than buying a puppy from a breeder with ethical practices. Across the United States, there are dedicated rescues that specialize in specific breeds and may even help transport a Gordon Setter dog to you in Aventura, FL from another part of the country. Although it can be more cost-effective, adopting the exact breed you're looking for is typically more difficult than working with a responsible breeder. Learn more about adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue.
Good Dog is your partner in all parts of your puppy search. We’re here to help you find Gordon Setter puppies for sale near Aventura, FL from responsible breeders you can trust. Easily search hundreds of Gordon Setter puppy listings, connect directly with our community of Gordon Setter breeders near Aventura, FL, and start your journey into dog ownership today — we’ll have you covered at every step.
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